12.09.2023 at the regional workshop in the "Nursery-garden "Er-tostik" in offline mode for young teachers of the Shetsky and Aktogay district, the city of Priozersk, the village of Sarshygan, methodologists of the city of Balkhash. Methodologist of the "Nursery-garden "Tansholpan" Sadikova E.A. and educator Zhagypberlina A.B. shared their experience on the problem "Stone therapy as a means of developing communicative and speech skills in preschoolers" To solve this problem, teachers revealed modern methods and means of stone therapy through: travel games; mnemonics; (poems, fairy tales); modeling fairy tales, stories (using stones); word-making (poems, proverbs and sayings about stones), the development of social communication competencies. Practical tasks were offered to teachers in the creative workshop, who were actively involved in the work, performed the proposed tasks with interest, asked questions, correctly solved the proposed situations, were open to communication. Also, an exhibition on probl was designed for teachers.